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free advertising تبلیغات رایگان درقیمت کمپرسور بیتزر

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تبلیغات اینترنتی رایگان free advertising
تبلیغات اینترنتی رایگان free advertising

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Advertising is the integral part of every day’s life. It is a


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pervasive method of marketing in society. Though the methods by
which marketers advertise have changed over the decades, the
role and purpose of advertising has changed over the period of
time. Without advertising modern society cannot survive
.Advertising is useful to society in following ways.

Encourage Purchasing
Encouraging people to purchase goods and services is the
main role of advertising. Some industries rely on advertising more
than others: A cereal company, for instance, must advertise more
aggressively, due to the wide arrange of competing products, than
a power company that faces little to no competition. Advertisers
often influence members of society to purchase products based on
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instilling a feeling of scarcity or lack. .
Reflect cultural trends
Advertising bridges the gap among people by communicating
varied culture through advertising message. It bring variation in the
social life
Promotes Economic growth
Advertising contributes to bring about all round development of
the economy by increasing demand and by encouraging economic
activities it fuels the desire to shop and, in turn, shopping stimulates
the economy.
Improves standard of living :
Advertising is an economic activity. It provides opportunities to
people to improve their income. It motivates people to consume
more material and thereby improves their standard of living.
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Provides employment: Effective advertising generates demand
for goods and services. high demand calls for more production
which requires more of physical and human resources thus creating

employment opportunities.
Advertising and Brand building
Brands are the identification that differentiates one business
from another (through name, symbol etc.). However, today brands
can also be defined as the personality they reflect to people in
relation to status, emotional characteristics and subjective quality.
They give the consumers a perceived knowledge of the product, its
quality and uniqueness before they buy it.
Brands Ensure delivery of service as promised by them. For
example, Pizza Company A claims to deliver pizza within a certain
time and Pizza company B claims to deliver most delicious Pizzas.
It makes easy for the consumers to identify what they want and
which brand to choose for it. It is important for a brand to
accomplish the claim advertised to retain Brand Image.
Advertising is one of the key elements in building a brand,
which is equally important to the marketer and consumers. Brand
personality acts as a potent brand differentiator and offers
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Advertising by creating or reinforcing brand’s personality
enhances brand value or equity which in turn can be leveraged
through brand extension. Brand personality also helps brands to
gain market share, command price premium and insulates from
discounting Brands.
Building a strong brand name is key factor for business
success. In the competitive business environment of today,
consumer sophistication has altered business practices.
Organizations are forced to anticipate customers’ needs and
convey clear messages to consumers by establishing strong brand
names and focusing on brand building.
A brand’s practical attributes and symbolic values are inherent
elements that help the brand appeal on consumers’ minds and
emotion. When consumers relate brands with symbols, it becomes
easier for an organization to raise consumer interest. For instance,
Lexus is known for luxury, or Apple is known for innovation.
Therefore, in consumers’ minds, a brand is more than just a
recognizable name: it is a promise that needs to be met on a
regular basis.
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Advertising is important for building brand awareness. By
raising consumer interest and making consumers awareness of
their products and services, firms not only expand their customer
base, but they also keep their loyal customers and increase their
market share. In other words, the more aware consumers are of a
brand, the more likely they are to buy from a particular business.
Approaches in Brand building :
To make brand distinctive: brand building can be done through
repetitive advertising. Also by highlighting unique selling proposition
one can distinguish brand from one another.Place your link for free forever here on all our websites click here now and enjoy

  1. Constant innovation: Consumers need continuous innovation
    and new products. It is not always a new product even an
    improvement on the existing product is acceptable to the
    consumers. Through intensive advertising such brands are build
    which is time consuming.
  2. free advertising Insert your link for free
    1. Domination of brand: brand building largely depends on the
      domination is creates on the competitors. Domination can take
      place either in national market or in niche market.
    2. Prompt availability: Prompt delivery of the product is one of the
      factors that ensure brand building. This is possible if there is proper
      coordination between the finance, production, and marketing
    3. Integration of new and old media: Consumers have ever
      changing demand. Due to availability of various media option the
      seller can push the product in the market by blend multiple media
      option .Thus advertising message are flashed to consumers
      through media mix.
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